Friday, July 9, 2010

AFARCC Club Meeting, July 2010

The first All Fours and Rotaries Car Club monthly meeting of the new financial year will be held at the Captain Stirling Hotel, on Stirling Highway in Nedlands on Tuesday the 13th of July.

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As has become the norm with recent club meetings, the published start time is a little earlier than it has traditionally been, at 6:30pm, with the intention that club members will start gathering at the venue at 6:30pm and are free to socialise while we pick out somewhere within the venue where we're able to hold the actual meeting. So, if you can't make it to the Captain Stirling by 6:30pm, don't let that stop you coming to the AFARCC July Club Meeting, as we'll be there for some time. The Captain Stirling also serves meals, and we encourage members to have dinner at the venue of the club meetings.